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realistic comms decoys


decoys to suit mission needs


from home base or in the field


a military advantage over adversaries

Decoys have been used throughout military history to deceive adversaries and gain upper hand.  

Penten’s TrapRadio uses artificial intelligence to generate radio traffic to create realistic decoys in the field or from base. It greatly simplifies the process of mimicking both friendly and enemy communications to mislead adversaries.  


How it works

TrapRadio’s unique AI-generated transmission patterns can be customised according to specific mission needs. This ensures decoy transmissions can support extended operations without repetition. Military forces can use TrapRadio to target and degrade adversary intelligence producing sensors and systems, creating confusion, distrust and delay.

Electronic deception uses electronic signals to mislead adversaries by manipulating their perception of the battlefield. Penten create systems that deceive enemies by using techniques such as spoofing, beaconing and false electronic signatures to create confusion about the location, capabilities and intentions of military forces.

Scalable Electronic Deception

Gain the advantage with intelligent radio decoys

TrapRadio’s user-friendly interface enables users to easily adjust parameters like decoy unit numbers, radio types and operational tempo.

Present RF signature of force element in different location

Intuitive and non-technical mission planning and deployment

AI enabled RF modelling for enduring non-repetitive RF signatures

Simple and on the fly mission updates to support dynamic operational environments

If TrapRadio is not quite right for you, we can customise, so it is.


We’re here to answer any questions you may have

We would love the opportunity to talk to you about your organisation’s specific obstacles and goals.
We have a proven record of bespoke solutions for complex cyber challenges.