30 April 2018

Australian Cyber Innovator Penten positions for continued growth

Penten announces Sarah Bailey to take up newly created role of Chief Financial Officer.

Penten announces Sarah Bailey to take up newly created role of Chief Financial Officer.

Penten, one of Australia’s leading cyber innovators, announces the appointment of Sarah Bailey to the newly created role of Chief Financial Officer heading the organisation’s finance, commercial and corporate operations into the company’s next phase of growth.

Penten has been experiencing extraordinary growth over the past three years, growing from 4 to 42 engineers and recent contract wins with Defence, Australian Government and exports in the UK and Canada. The success of Penten’s AltoCrypt Stik, a next generation solution to enable mobile secure access to classified information, has contributed to this rapid growth at a time when Australian Government focus on cyber security is high.

Penten also recently launched a new business unit which employs machine learning to create realistic decoys to detect and track sophisticated cyber adversaries.’s first product is TrapDocs, a world leading cyber deception solution that creates and places realistic decoy files amongst real documents.

Sarah joins Penten as the organisation embarks upon its next stage of cyber capability development, market presence and success. Sarah brings to Penten a tremendous depth of financial and operational leadership experience with senior roles at Ernst & Young, Australia Post and NAB where she had responsibility for enabling the digital, innovation and technology driven business transformation. She has entrepreneurial experience as well as working with Australian Government, leading finance and business transformation for Australian and UK organisations.

Penten CEO Matthew Wilson said ‘We are excited to have Sarah join us as CFO at Penten as we enter this next phase of growth. Sarah brings a unique blend of Government, large business and entrepreneurial experience. She has a broad range of financial, corporate and operational success at all levels which will be invaluable to Penten as we continue on our cyber security capability and growth agenda.”

About Penten

Penten is a Canberra, Australia based cyber security company focused on innovation in secure mobility, cyber deception and cyber engineering services.

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